Westport Recreation Department
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FREE Play & Learn (During School Year)

This is a fun, FREE playgroup for parents/caregivers and their children. The goal of the program is to provide interactive, enriching experiences for young children and their families with a focus on early literacy. Families attend the group together and listen to stories, participate in arts and crafts, music and movement and much more! We have lots of fun playing and learning!

*This is brought to you by Fall River Public Schools and funded by the Coordinated Family and Community Engagement Grant.

Who: Children (Birth-5 with an Adult)
Place: Town Hall Annex Gym, 856 Main Rd., Westport, MA 
Dates: Every Monday & Thursday through the school year (despite some holidays); Start date is Thurs, 9/21
Time: 9-10:30am
Instructor: Christine Pancyck

Fee: FREE!
*Please email Christine Pancyck to register cpancyck@fallriverschools.org

Play & Learn