Westport Recreation Department
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FREE Play & Learn (During Summer)

This is a fun, FREE playgroup for parents/caregivers and their children. The goal of the program is to provide interactive, enriching experiences for young children and their families with a focus on early literacy. During the summer, families attend the group together at the Annex Playground. We have lots of fun playing and learning!

*This is brought to you by Fall River Public Schools and funded by the Coordinated Family and Community Engagement Grant.

Who: Children (Birth-5 with an Adult)
Place: Outside at the Annex Playground, 856 Main Rd., Westport, MA 
Dates: Mondays, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31
Time: 9-11:15am
Instructor: Christine Pancyck

Fee: FREE!
*Please call or email Christine Pancyck to register at 508-491-9042 or cpancyck@fallriverschools.org

Play & Learn